Webinar: Resolution on good constitution practices


10:30 – 12:00 časova

Nije bodovano od strane Komisije Farmaceutske komore CG


Obavještavamo vas da Evropski direktorat za kvalitet ljekova i brigu o zdravlju  (European  Directorate  for  the  Quality  of  Medicines  & HealthCare, EDQM & HealthCare) organizuje Webinar: ‘Resolution on good constitution practices’  kojim se promoviše Resolution CM/Res(2016)2 on good reconstitution practices in healthcare establishments for medicinal products for parenteral use. Vrijem eodržavanja webinara je 16. jun 2021. u periodu 10.30h – 12h. U nastavku je mejl putem koga se može izvršiti prijava na isti.

Webinar je namijenjen zdravstvenim radnicima, posebno farmaceutima koji rade u bolničkim apotekama, medicinskim sestrama i ljekarima, zdravstvenim ustanovama i udruženjima pacijenata, kao i nacionalnim nadležnim tijelima.

Programme Overview

Before administration to patients, parenteral medicines must be in a ready-to-administer (RTA) form, presented at the required concentration and volume, in the final container (syringe, infusion bag or elastomeric device) for administration. Unless provided by the marketing authorisation holder in an RTA form, parenteral medicines have to be reconstituted.

The quality of reconstituted medicines should ideally be the same, regardless of where the reconstitution takes place, in the clinical area – for example, on a ward or in theatre – or within a pharmacy. Although guidance on reconstitution is available in some countries, this is not the case across all member states of the Council of Europe.

In June 2016, the Council of Europe adopted Resolution CM/Res(2016)2 on good reconstitution practices in healthcare establishments for medicinal products for parenteral use with a view to improving the safety of patients receiving reconstituted injectable medicines, and enabling risk reduction in Europe.

This webinar will provide some practical examples of how the provisions set out in the above resolution can be transposed into national legislation and implemented in a hospital pharmacy setting. It will also highlight some of the challenges that may affect the implementation process and outline strategies to overcome them. Finally, it will provide the nurses’ perspective on the reconstitution process and their co-operation with hospital pharmacists.

The webinar will take place on 16 June, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (CEST, Paris, France). Participants will also get the opportunity to ask questions live to the speakers.

Download the preliminary programme (subject to change)

More information on Pharmaceutical Practices and Pharmaceutical Care